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Contrastive Training Objectives
1. Contrastive Loss (Chopra et al. 2005)
$\epsilon$ is a hyperparameter, defining the lower bound distance between samples of different classes.
: Loss that converge distance of Postive sample to 0 and Negattive sample to $\epsilon$.
2. Triplet Loss (Schroff et al. 2015)
$x^+$ is positive sample, $x^-$ is negative sample.
Margin parameter $\epsilon$ is the minimum offset between distances of similar and dissimilar pairs.
L2 norm distance, which the distance of the positive sample converge to zero and negativ sample to $\epsilon$.
It minimizes the loss on the pair of negative and postive samples at the same time.
3. Lifted Structured Loss (Song et al. 2015)
Utilize all the pairwise edges within one training batch for computational efficiency.
4. Multi-Class N-pair loss (Sohn 2016)
Generalize triplet loss to include multiple negative samples.
What happens if the network outputs constant output?
If we sample negative samples per class the loss is similar to the multi-class logistic loss (i.e., softmax loss)
Use softmax transformation, we caculate cross entropy loss based on the vocabulary size($V$). Which the training function only considers the actual target word.
Through this denominator we are able to get non-zero gradient term. Where we all having noisy training
5. NCE : Noise Contrastive Estimation (Gutmann & Hyvarinen , 2010)
A method for estimating parameters of a statistical model
The softmax function comes with computational limitations for large amount of classes.
The Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) metric intends to differentiate the target data (word) from noise samples using a logistic regression classifier.
Given an input word $w_I$ the correct output word is $w$. And we sample $N$ other words from the noise sample distribution $Q$, denoted as $\hat{w_{i}}$.
6. InfoNCE : (Contrastive Predictive Coding; van den Oord, et al. 2018)
Inspired by NCE, uses categorical cross-entropy loss to identify the positive sample amongst a set of unrelated noise samples.
Positive sample should be drwon from the conditional distribution $p(x|c)$ and $N-1$ negative samples are drawn from the proposal distribution $p(x)$, independent from the context $c$.